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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

French Onion Soup

Stickin' to my word and actually taking pictures while I cook! It was a little chilly here in FL today (a very brisk 65), so I decided it was a perfect night to try out a french onion soup recipe. It was very easy, a little time consuming, but worth it! I used Bobby Flay's Recipe and was inspired by my favorite restaurant back in MA, Judies, to serve the soup with Caeser salad. Please excuse the terrible photos, I still live in a Blackberry world :)

Onion and garlic sauteing away in butter...mmm

Getting all carmelized and tasty

Simmering in red wine and beef broth

Topped with french bread and Gruyere and ready to be broiled

Finished product!

I might have mentioned before, but I HATE onions. It's all about the texture, I like the taste of onions, but the texture is not my thing. Therefore, I put my soup through a mesh strainer before it went into the bowl. Don't judge.

Also, for those who are afraid of the broiler (hot, fire redness coming from the oven, what's not to be afraid of??) it really isn't too terrible. My broiler has a "low" setting so it doesn't cook nearly as fast.

Hoping to stay on this roll of picture taking while cooking! Tomorrow, I will (hopefully) post my weekly meal planner. We have a slew (and by slew, I mean crowds and crowds) of people coming to visit over the next 3 weeks and my anxiety gets a little out of control. I always plan my meals way ahead of time, especially when i'm feeding up to 12 people every night for a week, including some VERY picky eaters, someone on the Paleo diet, and a vegetarian. Meal planning gets tricky to say the least. I'll share my plan as I go!

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