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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Long Lost Blogger

I've been a terrible blogger lately (serious props to all you moms out there who find time to blog). We've had 8+ guests staying with us for the last 2 and a half weeks or so and we finally had the last of the guests leave yesterday. It was a whirlwind of time with friends and family and we had a blast, but boy are we happy to have some time to ourselves (and to celebrate being engaged!)

 AH-MAZING! We just about peed our pants when we heard/saw dolphins practically jumping in our boat!

Hung out at Ft. Myers Beach and played corn hole all day.

 B and his friend caught Conk Shells (which we googled and learned its illegal so we quickly threw them back). Notice how far away from land we are!

I drove the boat A LOT, so B could enjoy some cocktails!

My friend, me and Bentley fishing.

B and his friend trying to pull up the anchor which got stuck in a GIANT cement block and weighed a ton!

Us girls caught dinner, and the boys cooked it.

My favorite picture ever, if B and I were showing a little more love, it could be a potential for a Save the Date! (My minds been reeling for Save the Date ideas and I have some ideas up my sleeve)

I was super sick for the first 3 days everyone was here, which was a total downer. We also celebrated B and his friends birthday with dinner and karaoke. But now that everyone has left, I am in full on wedding planning mode! I am gearing up for some serious venue searching within the next few weeks (finding a venue while halfway across the country is proving to be very difficult). I'll also vent about my dress woes soon! Bring on the planning!

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